Hail guard: Protecting your business equipment


Most areas of the country experience hailstorms that can cause significant damage to rooftop equipment, severely disrupting your business and costing you time, money or even customers. You can take a few steps to help keep your business running smoothly and avoid down time by protecting the equipment that keeps your customers and employees comfortable.

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Make sure loaned school items are covered


As the school year begins, take note of the items your child brings home. For example, many school districts are assigning laptop computers to students for their personal use. It’s a good idea to make sure those items loaned to your child throughout the school year are covered by insurance in the event of a loss.

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When you loan your collection: Tips to reduce risk


Your collection is your passion. You’ve put your TLC into a unique grouping of objects that tells the story of your specific taste, love of the arts and desire to preserve these items for future generations. When you’re asked to loan a piece or your collection to a museum exhibit, you have the satisfaction of sharing your vision with the world.

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