Protect your privacy on the ‘internet of things’


A man stops at the grocery store after work for a frozen pizza. As he gets back in his car, he uses his phone to tell his oven to start preheating. The man sits down to eat and realizes he is out of napkins. He tells his smart speaker to order some and grabs a paper towel instead. This man is using a collection of connected devices seemingly to make his life more convenient. This concept is called the “internet of things.”

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The EULA strikes back: Know what you’re getting into

We’ve all seen them – windows that pop up before you can install a program, full of legalese. To complete the install, you usually have to scroll through pages and pages of boring text and then click an “I Agree” button. Many people have a tendency to either skim them or skip reading them altogether and get on with their lives. But it can be dangerous not to read End User License Agreements, or EULAs.

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