As a pool owner, you’ve worked hard to be a great host all season long by carefully and safely maintaining your swimming pool, to the delight of your family and friends.
Now that fall is on the horizon, how can you apply the same level of attention to closing your pool? Even the most experienced pool owners can benefit from these helpful reminders.
Test and Regulate:
- Three to seven days before you close your pool for the season, take a water sample to your local pool service professional for analysis, and adjust the balance as directed.
- Remove skimmer baskets, wall fittings, solar blankets and ladders from your pool.
- Inspect ladders, handrails, steps and diving boards for cracks and rusty bolts to keep your swimmers safe and prevent future accidents.
- Lower the pool’s water level to 12-18 inches below the skimmer for mesh covers and 3-6 inches for solid, floating covers.
Drain and Clean:
- Prevent freezing and cracking by draining all pumping, filtering, heating and chlorinating equipment. To help prevent future pool leaks, blow water from plumbing lines and add antifreeze (if recommended).
- Remove and clean filter grids and cartridge filters, storing them indoors if possible.
- Lubricate the pump lid’s O-rings and filter side valve.
- For gas heaters with cast iron plugs, lubricate the threads or keep the plugs in after draining to prevent rusting. Heaters in desert regions may even need rodent proofing.
- Skim, vacuum and brush your pool.
- Winterize the plumbing to and from the pool, making sure all of the water is out of the plumbing lines and equipment.
Seal and Cover:
- Add algaecide and floaters for the cover.
- Cover your pool tightly.
- Consider additional safety barriers, including fencing, high gate latches or motion alarms to keep out unwelcome visitors and protect them from injury or drowning, reducing your liability.
- Review applicable laws and regulations as well as local zoning requirements to make certain your pool and surrounding areas are compliant.
Using this information, along with the guidelines for your specific pool and your locality, will help you safely close your pool for the season and be better prepared to enjoy it next year.
This loss control information is advisory only. The author assumes no responsibility for management or control of loss control activities. Not all exposures are identified in this article.