Back-to-school time is a good time to review your insurance if you have a student headed back to college. Remember to talk to your independent insurance agent for advice to make sure your student’s car, electronics and other belongings are covered. Some coverage may extend from your own personal insurance policies, but individual circumstances can vary. Your agent will know how to help.
Here are some of our articles with tips on insuring your college student.
Insurance 101 for the college student — As the summer winds down, millions of college students will be heading back to dorms or apartments all across the country. If your child is among them, you probably have made sure that your student has the necessary bedding, shelving, futons and electronics for a successful year. But have you considered whether these items will be covered if lost or stolen?
College students, it’s time to take stock of your stuff — If you are among the millions of young adults packing up to head off to college, now is a great time to take stock of all of your electronics, sports equipment, musical instruments and other items that you would need to replace in the event of fire, theft or other hardship.
Preparing your car for college — Having a car at college can give a student the freedom to come and go from work or to explore surrounding areas without depending on others. But having a car can also mean greater responsibility. Here are some common driving situations that you and your college student should discuss before your – or the student’s own – car heads to college.
Protect your college student’s possessions — Do you have a young adult heading off to college in the fall? College can be a fun time for the student but a stressful one for the parent. Reduce some of the stress by planning ahead to make sure your college student has appropriate insurance protection while away at school.
Coverages described here are in the most general terms and are subject to actual policy conditions and exclusions. For actual coverage wording, conditions and exclusions, refer to the policy or contact your independent agent.