Lightning, power surge? EBC can protect your property

Most companies large and small depend on electrically powered equipment for some part of their business. Equipment breakdown coverage insurance can protect those items.
Most companies large and small depend on electrically powered equipment for some part of their business. Equipment breakdown coverage insurance can protect those items.
The LED display on the kitchen range is blinking again, yet the old battery-operated clock seems to be working just fine. How many times have you had to reset clocks on microwaves, alarms, digital cable boxes and other devices due to a brief moment of power interruption?
We don’t often think about momentary power interruptions or how they affect our everyday lives. In business or production process-related industries, the effects of these interruptions may be particularly disastrous and very costly.
Tornadoes and fires may or may not happen to you, but like the human body, from the day it first goes into operation your business equipment begins the journey to its eventual failure. Adding equipment breakdown coverage can be a valuable part of your business insurance portfolio.